Japan Turns Wasted Solar Energy into Profit Through Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining is often criticized for its environmental impact, but a new initiative in Japan is flipping the script by using wasted solar energy to mine Bitcoin. This innovative project, spearheaded by Agile Energy X, a subsidiary of Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), highlights how excess renewable energy can be harnessed for a profitable and sustainable venture.

The Role of Wasted Renewable Energy in Japan

Japan’s renewable energy sector faces a significant challenge: excess power generation. Due to grid imbalances and transmission issues, renewable energy output control limits production. In 2023, this output control resulted in 1,920 gigawatt-hours of wasted energy, a staggering amount equivalent to the annual consumption of 450,000 households.

Agile Energy X’s initiative addresses this waste by tapping into unused solar energy from solar farms in Japan’s Gunma and Tochigi prefectures. Instead of letting this surplus energy go to waste, the company channels it into Bitcoin mining, transforming what would otherwise be lost into a profitable opportunity.

Bitcoin Mining Meets Green Energy

Japan’s “output control” mechanisms are designed to balance energy supply and demand, especially during periods of low consumption or when the grid faces transmission limitations. This excess renewable energy, while environmentally friendly, remains underutilized. Agile Energy X’s approach bridges this gap by utilizing the surplus solar power to mine Bitcoin.

Bitcoin mining is an energy-intensive process, but by using wasted renewable energy, this project promotes sustainable energy solutions while generating significant financial returns. The company’s simulations show that if 50% of Japan’s power came from renewable sources, the country could waste up to 240,000 gigawatt-hours of energy annually. By converting just 10% of this surplus into Bitcoin mining power, Japan could generate an estimated ¥360 billion (approximately $2.5 billion USD) worth of Bitcoin each year.

Benefits Beyond Profits

The project doesn’t just benefit from renewable energy; it encourages the growth of green energy infrastructure. According to Kenji Tateiwa, president of Agile Energy X, by incorporating Bitcoin mining into renewable energy projects, companies can integrate these clean energy solutions into their corporate earnings. This not only incentivizes more investment in solar power and other renewables but also helps build a more resilient energy infrastructure.

Moreover, the financial gains from mining Bitcoin with surplus energy could make renewable energy adoption even more attractive. Rather than viewing renewable energy limitations as a challenge, this approach sees them as an opportunity for financial growth and environmental sustainability.

A Global Perspective on Bitcoin and Renewable Energy

While the environmental concerns surrounding Bitcoin mining have been criticized globally, Japan’s model has gained attention from industry leaders like Fred Thiel, CEO of Marathon Digital Holdings. He contrasts Japan’s innovative approach with regions like the EU, which have been more critical of cryptocurrency mining. In countries like the U.S., particularly in Texas, similar models are already being implemented, where excess renewable energy is used to mine Bitcoin, helping to balance the grid while creating new revenue streams.


Agile Energy X’s use of wasted solar energy for Bitcoin mining marks a turning point in how we view both cryptocurrency and green energy. By harnessing surplus renewable energy, Japan is paving the way for a more sustainable future where Bitcoin mining contributes to the growth of renewable infrastructure. This initiative could serve as a blueprint for other countries facing similar energy challenges, transforming a problem into a profitable solution.


This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial or investment advice. Cryptocurrency mining and trading involve risks, and individuals should conduct their own research before engaging in any form of investment. Always consult with a financial advisor for tailored advice.

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